Returning after parental leave

Returning after parental leave – a roadmap for success

Over the years, I have spoken with many lawyers who are returning to the practice of law after parental leave. The common theme I heard was that returning to the law after having been home for a while with a child is, not surprisingly, hard work.

But, that said, it does not have to be a negative experience. The memorable first line from Charles Dickens’ book, A Tale of Two Cities comes mind: “It was the best of times, it was the worst of times, it was the age of wisdom, it was the age of foolishness …” Despite the hard work, some of the returning lawyers spoke enthusiastically about their experience, while others were struggling to barely keep their heads above water.

Why is this? Why is it that some lawyers positively thrive during this transition in their lives and careers, whereas others find it almost traumatic? What can a law firm, a practice group, or an in-house legal team do to make the process as seamless as possible?

The benefits of handling the “returnship” process well are obvious. Assuming the returning lawyer is highly valued and regarded, the loss of the individual would be damaging to the office and for the professional.